Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 20

A place you would like to travel:


Day 18

Biggest insecurity:

Day 17

Something that has made a huge impact in your life recently:

Having a (nearly) finished kitchen! For the last year and 1/2 David has been remodeling our kitchen. It went from being gross and completely closed off to
bright and open. I am in love. While the kitchen was in shambles I kept all of our dinnerware in the pantry and did not have real floors. It is so nice to finally have things put back together and in order. We just have to finish the island and some other odds and ends and I will have my dream kitchen. Thank you David ♥

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 16

A picture of someone who inspires you:
Teachers! I have worked in the Oregon City school district going on 5 years now. I have been privileged to know some amazing teachers. It is extra hard today with all of the kiddos who have a 3 second attention span due to T.V. and Video games. These teachers are so patient and kind and do such a fabulous job with today's youth.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 15

Something you want to do before you die:
I would love to travel, especially to Italy ♥

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 14

A picture of someone you can't imagine your life without:
I chose David obviously. He was Hula Hooping on the Wii. Kinda funny.

Day 13

A picture of your favorite band or artist:

Johnny Cash, Mumford & Sons, M. Ward (half of She & Him) Dean Martin, and The Beatles.

Day 12

A picture of something you love: Oregon. Especially in the fall

Day 11

Something you HATE:
Ground Beef. YUCK!

Day 10

A picture of the person you do the most f'd up things with:
This night in Mexico, I locked David out of our hotel room in his boxers and wouldn't let him back in. He had to get security guards to unlock the door. I will never drink Patron again!

Day 9

A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most:
There is no way I can just choose one person.

Day 8

A picture that makes you laugh:

Day 7

Most treasured item(s):
My rings.
My wedding ring, promise ring, and a ring from my Grandma.